Red Velvet Raspberry Tart
Chef & legend Jade Woodd
Instagram: @panaceas_pantry

Serves 8-10
How has food impacted your life?
Food is a huge part of my life, and not just because I love to eat it. Food is my job, my medicine when I am sick, the thing I love to celebrate with, the glue at family gatherings and also my creative outlet. Food is part of my identity as I passionately believe in advocating a vegan lifestyle for the health of our planet (and everything else). It is a paramount part of each and every day, and I love the healthy relationship I have with it.
1½ cups desiccated coconut
¹⁄³ cup buckwheat groats (I prefer activated)
¹⁄³ cup salted cacao protein powder (or preferred vegan protein powder)
¹⁄³ cup rice malt syrup
2 oz cacao butter, melted
¼ cup coconut sugar

1¾ cups raw cashews, soaked 2-4 hours and drained
½ cup rice malt syrup
1 oz cacao butter, melted
½ cup coconut yogurt
¾ cup raspberries
½ cup nut milk
1 tbsp lemon juice
½ tsp beetroot powder
Grease a large cake pan with coconut oil. Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and combine well. Press mixture into pan, taking time to spread it evenly. Set in freezer while preparing the filling.
Add all ingredients to a high speed blender and blend on high until smooth. Pour into base and set in freezer for 4 hours or more. Remove from freezer and decorate as desired (I used strawberries dipped in vegan white chocolate). Allow to defrost for 15-30 mins before serving.