Staying Young on a Raw Vegan Diet
At 78 years old, Mimi Kirk was named Sexiest Vegan Over 50 by PETA Chef. She's a best-selling author, international speaker and total inspiration.
Instagram: @youngonrawfood

Q: What do you do to maintain your youthfulness at your age?
Mimi Kirk: There is no doubt in my mind it’s my raw plant-based lifestyle. I would also add that I think ageless. Our mind plays a big part in how well we age, as research claims our mind and bodies are connected. I never consider what the media says about how someone my age should dress, act or wear their hair. To me, age is just a number, so I act as I feel, which is decades younger.
Q: How has veganism impacted your health? What differences have you seen?
MK: At nearly 78, I’m on no prescription medication, which is unusual for someone my age, and this speaks for itself. I’ve been a vegetarian/vegan for the better part of 40 years, going off and back on again during that time. But I noticed when I went raw vegan I felt more energy, and people kept asking me what I did as they thought I looked younger. I’ve never done botox or plastic surgery, and even though I have some lines on my face I’m quite happy with the way I look, but especially how I feel. I only have to look at myself in the mirror once in the morning and the rest of my day I live and act how I feel, which is around 30.
"I’m a best-selling author and didn’t start writing books until I was in my 70’s, so this proves it’s never too late to do anything you want in life."
Q: You are such an inspiration. What question would you most like to answer to people who are curious about your lifestyle?
MK: I’m a best-selling author and didn’t start writing books until I was in my 70’s, so this proves it’s never too late to do anything you want in life. Since my first book Live Raw, I’ve written Live Raw Around the World, The Ultimate Book of Modern Juicing and my newest book Raw-Vitalize, The 21 Day Raw Food Recharge, which I wrote with my youngest daughter Mia Kirk White. It will be released January 2017 and we are excited about it because the delicious recipes take 10 or so minutes to prepare and with fresh ingredients, a shopping list and step by step instructions we think this book will help people lift their spirits and improve their health.
Writing books is a large part of my lifestyle as well as speaking engagements, coaching and consulting. I speak internationally, which gives me the opportunity to travel—one of my favorite things to do—and reach people all over the world teaching them about a plant-based lifestyle. I also demonstrate some of my recipes on my YouTube channel. My long-time boyfriend and I spend 6 months a year in Mallorca Spain to make it easier to fulfill my international speaking engagements. It’s very rewarding work, as the feedback I receive is so awe-inspiring. I’m also busy on social media answering questions daily from people around the world who have health issues or are converting to a raw vegan or plant-based lifestyle. I’m the mother of 4 children and grandmother of 7. My family and I are very close and we spend as much time together as possible even though we live in different cities.
Feeling healthy helps me to feel young. Life is so wonderful at any age if you are healthy. Stay away from processed and packaged foods. Eat a fresh plant-based diet, exercise daily, think positive thoughts, be kind and non-judgmental, and you will be blessed with a long, healthy life.