Whole Roasted Eggplant with Cauliflower Parm
Derek Sarno
One of our fav chefs
Instagram: @WickedHealthy

1-2 medium eggplants
3 cups crushed kettle potato chips (salt and cracked pepper)
4 cherry tomatoes, sliced
½ cup cauliflower buttah
¼ cup fresh basil leaves, washed and lightly packed
2 tsbp olive oil ½ tsp coarse salt (Jacobsen sea salt)
Cauliflower Buttah
1 small head cauliflower, bottom stem removed, roughly chopped
1 cup raw cashews, presoaked in water
4-5 medium garlic cloves
2 tbsp rice vinegar
1 bay leaf
1½ tsp coarse (Jacobsen sea salt)
Presoak whole raw cashews for at least 1 hour. Strain and rinse before use. In medium saucepot, add cauliflower, soaked cashews, garlic, vinegar, bay leaf, and 1 tsp salt and cover with water. On medium-high heat, bring to a slow boil and cook for roughly 10 minutes, until cauliflower is completely cooked through. Remove from heat, strain, and cool. Add cashew-cauliflower mixture to high-speed blender and with dampener blend until smooth. If you have to add liquid, splash a bit of water to loosen; the point is to have as little liquid as possible for thick consistency. Chill in cooler for up to a week. Preheat oven to 375°F/190°C, and lightly oil baking sheet. Prep the eggplant. Slice eggplant in half lengthwise and score the inside without piercing the skin. With 1 tbsp oil, rub each top half. Spread a thin layer of cauliflower buttah on the open face of each half, allowing some to get between the slices, and on a separate plate apply potato chip crust to cover open eggplant flesh. Add a few dollops of cauliflower buttah to the top and place sliced tomatoes alongside and bake face side up for 40-45 minutes. Remove from heat, garnish with fresh basil leaves, and serve.