Raw Vegan Lucuma Cups Topped with Raw Chocolate
Jose Flores, 15
Peruvian vegan teen inspiration with a passion for healthy eating.
Instagram: @naturally.jo

1 cup raw almonds
1 tbsp cacao powder
1 cup pitted dates
1-2 tbsp agave nectar
1 cup raw cashews, soaked for at least 6 hours
5-6 tbsp lucuma powder
1 frozen banana
2 tbsp agave nectar
3 tbsp coconut oil
1 cup non-dairy milk

Process the base ingredients until it forms into a dough, line a muffin pan and place dough at the bottom, place pan in the freezer. In a blender, add the filling ingredients and blend until smooth, add more liquid if needed. Take the muffin pan out and pour the filling on top of the base, let it chill in the freezer overnight, and take it out 5 minutes before eating so it is creamier.
Raw Chocolate
½ cup cocoa butter
3-5 tbsp (raw) agave nectar or maple syrup
1 /3 cup cacao powder (¼ cup for a less bitter chocolate)
Melt cacao butter at low heat on a double boiler. Add the maple syrup or agave nectar and mix until well combined. Add cacao powder and mix again. Pour chocolate on top of the cheesecake cups once they are ready. Transfer to the freezer to set for about 10-15 minutes.