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Vanilla Almond Banana Granola

Dana Roberts + Lou Gemunden


The Healing Power of Food

My husband, Lou and I went vegan over 3 years ago, but last year we made the complete shift to go completely plant based: meaning still no animal products, but also no processed foods or oil. The immediate change in our health was astounding, especially for Lou, who had been suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis for over 5 years. He had been battling chronic joint pain and inflammation for so long and then shockingly after just tweaking a few things like quitting coffee and dramatically increasing the amounts of dark leafy greens and sprouted food he ate daily, his pain almost completely disappeared in weeks! To cure a disease that doctors say you’ll have to battle for life, without any drugs is so empowering. We really hope to share his story as a way to help others facing any kind of autoimmune issues.

A Fun New Cooking Trick

Aquafaba is my latest obsession! To make it you just save the liquid from a can of chickpeas (or any other beans) and whisk it for about 5 minutes until peaks form. My favorite use so far is to make super fluffy vegan pancakes, but the possibilities are endless. Just think - vegan macaroons, meringues, or even vegan “buttercream” frosting!

Try Fresh Herbs!

Fresh herbs are easily forgotten when we cook at home and can completely transform a boring meal into something fresh and delicious. Buying the little bundles of fresh herbs at the store can be pricey though and they often spoil before you even have a chance to use them, so my tip is to build yourself a little garden - even if it is just a window box. You can plant a variety of your favorite herbs like basil, cilantro, or parsley and then garnish all your meals like a real chef!

Food Secret You Need to Know!

My biggest food secret is to chew your food! I know it might sound strange, but once I started slowing down at meals and taking the time to properly chew and savor each bite, turn off the TV, get off my phone, etc. my entire relationship to food, my body, and my health completely transformed. Digestion starts in the mouth so the more time you allow for food to begin breaking down there, the easier your body will be able to absorb all the nutrients you’re putting into it!

Vanilla Almond Banana Granola

Makes 5 servings

4 cups oats

1 cup chopped almonds

1 cup dried coconut

2 super ripe bananas

3/4 cup maple syrup

2 tbsp vanilla bean powder

Preheat your oven to 175 C/350 F. Combine all ingredients and then place on a parchment lined baking tray. Place in oven and after 15 minutes, stir the granola a bit to make sure it is cooking thoroughly. Remove from oven after another 10 minutes and then store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 10 days. Serve on top of smoothie bowls, ice cream, oatmeal, overnight oats, or with some almond milk. I love having it with some coconut yogurt, fresh fruit and some Earl Grey tea.

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